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Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Mysterious Death of Pat Tillman

Some of the best Tillman-related materials on the Web:

“Barrage of Bullets" (Washington Post, Dec. 5, 2004) Extraordinary two-part series about Tillman’s death and its aftermath--perhaps the best account yet written. Includes timelines and interactive maps of the battlefield where he was killed.

(San Francisco Chronicle, Sept. 25, 2005) Another thorough accounting of Tillman’s service, fratricide and the military coverup that followed.Photo Gallery

From the above SF Chronicle report.“Criminal Probe in Tillman Case Set to Open"

(Washington Post, March 5, 2006) The most recent major news development in the affair.

“The Mysterious Death of Pat Tillman" (New York Times, Nov. 6, 2005) Frank Rich puts Tillman’s death into the context of other Bush administration coverups, from Pvt. Jessica Lynch to Scooter Libby.

(Washington Post, May 23, 2005) Blistering quotes that lay bare the family’s anger toward the military.Pat Tillman Wikipedia entry

A good overview with lots of biographical details.“Live it Like Pat"

A short Flash movie about Tillman’s life.Pat Tillman Foundation Organization dedicated to “inspiring and supporting others striving to promote positive change in themselves and the world around them.”

Compiled by Blair Golson

Created on Mar. 7, 2006, last updated on Mar. 12, 2006

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