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Monday, April 17, 2006

Blair Canceled Upcoming US Trip To Avoid Being Photographed With Bush...

The Huffington Post April 16, 2006 at 09:37 PM
READ MORE: George W. Bush

Tony Blair has canceled an upcoming trip to America to avoid being photographed with Bush.

The prime minister was scheduled to visit the US this spring for meetings with the president, but the trip was called off after Blair decided that being photographed with Bush would be too toxic for his image.



“Blair Fatigue” In The UK Over War, Relationship With Bush...

Washington Post Mary Jordan April 16, 2006 at 09:53 AM

Verra Budimlija was once a classic fan of Prime Minister Tony Blair -- she's 40, a well-educated advertising executive, the kind of voter who propelled Blair and the Labor Party to power in 1997.

Not only does she live in Islington, a Labor stronghold where people took to the streets to celebrate Blair's generation-shifting election, she lives in th very brick house that was Blair's at the time.



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