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Monday, April 24, 2006


Don't count on the corporate media to interrupt the 24/7 "hooker rape-a-thon" to tell you that Bush will be conducing a SIMULATED NUCLEAR BLAST TEST on June 2nd in Nevada. Or that we've be marching closer and closer to nuclear war since he took office.

- Divine Strake is designed to be "a planning tool that will improve the warfighter’s confidence in selecting the smallest NUCLEAR yield necessary to destroy underground facilities..."-

ANIMATION: What Bush hopes to accomplish with Divine Strake.-

The Pentagon has already been caught lying to Congress about Divine Strake's intent. -

GlobalSecurity.org documents the media's laziness, ignorance and gullibility as the Divine Strake story broke.-

Seymour Hersh reports on Bush & Co. using a non-existent threat in Iran to further their desire to use nukes. -

Top US scientists plead with Bush to stop this march to nuclear war.FLASHBACK 2001:

Bush pulls out of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and uses 9/11 as an excuse to develop new nukes.

FLASHBACK 2003: Bush starts building nukes again.

FLASHBACK 2006: Screw non-proliferation! Bush trades nuclear technology for mangos earlier this year.

BUSH ON THE COUCHPsychoanalyst Dr. Justin Frank, MD (bio) shares his observations of George Bush with Randi. From boyhood to manhood to becoming The Decider, this is one interesting and scary specimen. Audio: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

COMEDY BIT - VOICES INSIDE BUSH'S HEADAnother Team-Randi original. We know that Bush "hears the voices" but what pray tell are they saying? Audio "Blow up the Frog" Origin

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