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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Entire Baghdad Sunni Neighborhood Sealed Off After Raging Battle...

NY Times EDWARD WONG April 18, 2006 at 11:39 AM

American and Iraqi troops sealed off one of Baghdad's most prominent Sunni Arab neighborhoods on Monday after a night of raging gun battles that left homes and storefronts riddled with bullets and at least one civilian dead, Iraqi officials and witnesses said.

The closing of Adhamiya, in northern Baghdad, seemed to signal deteriorating security in a neighborhood where attacks on American and Iraqi forces had ebbed in recent months. The area is home to hard-line Sunni Arabs who remain hostile to the Shiite-led government and the American presence. At its center is the well-known Abu Hanifa Mosque, where Saddam Hussein made his final public appearance in April 2003 before fleeing Baghdad and the American invasion force.



Blogger Unknown said...

i very much enjoyed reading your blog today! Your efforts and words will be remembered as part of the effort to take back this country!

18/4/06 2:51 PM  
Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Thanks bodhi, I sincerely hope that you can take back the peoples White House from these diviates in the November Elections for the House and Senate, bringing their corruption to an abrupt halt.

Well we can certainly hope for that anyway

18/4/06 9:15 PM  

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