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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'm The Decider And I Decide What's Best”…

Appropriate comment from MIDWESTVOTER, 04.18.2006

"Yes, Dear Leader you are a "decider" - congratulations. When history describes you as the most dangerously incompetent to ever hold public office in the 21st Century, I'm sure they will note how you "decided" with vigor to send our brave troops to their death, bankrupt our country, sell the middle class down the river and launch a nuclear war that kills millions of innocents to show your Mommy how brave and tough you are.

Decidedly evil
Decidedly stupid
Decidedly incompetent
Decidedly deranged

Associated Press TERENCE HUNT April 18, 2006 at 04:01 PM
READ MORE: George W. Bush

President Bush on Tuesday nominated Trade Representative Rob Portman (news, bio, voting record) as the White House budget director, turning to a Washington insider and longtime friend as part of an effort to re-energize the administration and boost the president's record-low approval ratings.

Bush also selected Susan Schwab, the deputy trade representative, to move up to the top trade job, replacing Portman.

Watch the clip here.



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