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Tuesday, April 18, 2006

A Hague courtroom awaits Messrs. Bush and Rumsfeld and their co-conspirators and fellow war criminals.


April 18, 2006 -- Generals and neo-cons square off. Retired Marine Corps Lt. General Paul Van Riper has joined fellow retired Marine and Army generals in calling for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's ouster. Meanwhile, the right-wing spin machine, including the reliably pro-Bush and elitist Washington Post, have launched broadsides against the anti-Rumsfeld generals.

The Post, in an editorial today, said it was not the place of the generals to criticize Rumsfeld.

WMR can also report that at least one retired general who called for Rumsfeld's dismissal had his own job threatened as a result of direct pressure from the Bush White House. WMR understands the pressure came from Karl Rove's office. Yesterday, Rumsfeld appeared on the radio show of self-hating homophobe and racist Rush Limbaugh to declare that the generals and others who oppose America's losing war in Iraq are consorting with terrorists.

Rumsfeld, in a display of unbridled McCarthyism, said:

There have always been people who have opposed wars…I think we just have to accept it, that people have a right to say what they want to say, and to have an acceptance of that and recognize that the terrorists, Zarqawi and bin Laden and Zawahiri, those people have media committees.

They are actively out there trying to manipulate the press in the United States. They are very good at it.

Rumsfeld would have us ignore that it has been Pentagon propaganda machine that has created the bogeymen of Zarqawi and Zawahiri. These are Orwellian figments used to perpetuate continual war. Today, Bush defended Rumsfeld, proclaiming, "I listen to all voices, but mine is the final decision . . . and Don Rumsfeld is doing a fine job . . . I hear the voices, and I read the front page, and I know the speculation. But I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the secretary of defense."

The only "voices" Bush hears are from his own drug and alcohol damaged brain. He may believe the voices are from the great ether but they are the same types of voices those who are incarcerated in mental institutions around our nation hear on a daily basis. Bush has decided to stick with the sexual torturer Rumsfeld. According to informed European judicial sources, after they leave office, Bush, Rumsfeld, and others in the Bush regime can expect to be the subjects of international and foreign arrest warrants for war crimes, murder, and other crimes.

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