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Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Little Protest On The Prairie ...

JOHNNY WOLF, co-founder of the Crawford Peace House, on the morning of Good Friday led about 70 marchers from the Peace House to Camp Casey II. With a police escort through downtown Crawford, the meditation walkers marked the 12 Stations of the Cross, a Christian tradition of honoring Jesus Christ as he made his way to be crucified in Jerusalem over 2,000 years ago.— Staff Photo By Nathan Diebenow

By Nathan DiebenowAssociate Editor

CRAWFORD — Following in the footsteps of a previous challenge to the constitutionality of a local county law that seems to limit free speech on public right-of-ways, 14 peace activists were arrested a few miles away from President George Bush’s vacation ranch on Good Friday.

Despite the county courthouse scaling back operations for the Easter weekend holiday, all but one of the activists were bailed out, each on a $1,000 bond with the aid of lawyers with the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas. The 14th activist was released on a personal recognizance bond, promising to return for prosecution when charges are filed. >>cont

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