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Sunday, May 28, 2006

Iraq: Horrific details of atrocities in Haditha emerge

...Can you imagine that scene? A man pleading for his life, for his family to be spared only to get mowed down. Seriously, I can only think of stuff like that when I remember war movies of Vietnamese getting cut to pieces by the US military or Nazis killing Italians or the Roman Legionnaires butchering Gaulish villagers. But this isn't a movie, and it really isn't a video game either. These people are human souls. And they have kin who will fight back. Moving along, Knickmeyer says "...U.S. investigators said in Washington. The girls killed inside Khafif's house were ages 14, 10, 5, 3 and 1, according to death certificates." My God, who can kill a child, a suckling babe? I can't imagine what grips a man to be able to point a weapon at a one-year-old. A one-year-old! Was the US Marine who pulled the trigger thinking of Battlefield, the game some of the military personnel like to play?...

continua / continued


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