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Friday, May 26, 2006

Vindicating Al

Vindicating Al Gore, the

Father of the Internet

By Christy Cole

To the republicans that are reading this, I know, I know. You are saying to yourself right now 'But, but, but...' Yes we know. No. There is still not a democrat that believes he literally and technically 'invented the internet'. So, why the title? It is very simple really.

It is now true, and the republicans made it so. You have no choice but to let him claim it as his own. And you have no one to blame but yourselves.

What in the hell am I talking about? I am talking about your inability to let go of a talking point that was repeated mockingly, time and time again, for the last decade. Over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, republicans bitterly insisted on arguing a point every single one of us already conceded. On, and on, and on, and on, and on, and on, it went.

One, single, stupid, out of context phrase, was picked up and used like a battering ram against what has only ever been a PERCIEVED weakness. Democrats never gave it any merit what-so-ever, but the republican's definitely did exactly that, by bringing it up so often. They literally took something meaningless, and not true, and made some sort of moral/pop culture issue out of it.

But they did much, much more then just give it merit. By constant repetition they took a nuance and literally made it TRUE.

How do I know this? Ask any one. Who invented the internet children? "AL GORE!!" they chirp back merrily. True, not true, it does not matter any more. If everybody says it, then it MUST be true. It only took a decade to set it in stone.

Whether you say it in spite or ignorance, all of our children will believe it. In case you did not notice 'Al Gore invented the internet' is an almost perfectly lyrical statement. Who does not believe in poetry?

So I would like to be the first to say to you Mr. Al Gore, you are from here on out the undisputed Father of the Internet. You should insert a big 'Thank You!' to all republicans here, sir. They made it not only entirely possible, but furthered your legacy with every repetition. More than that sir, they have made you immortal.

Al Gore, you invented the internet, and you will live forever because of it.

May history always be given to those that deserve it.


Blogger Kangaroo Brisbane Australia said...

Hell yes, His movie is going to drive them crazy, the whole lot of the wankers. Totally after Katrina

27/5/06 12:51 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Long live Al Gore!


I've met him twice, and he is a great gentleman...

27/5/06 4:48 AM  

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