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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bush's Nephew Pierce Goes Wild With The Ladies And A Half Naked Man...

Now isnt this Bush typical, isnt he old enough to be on the front lines with Americas Sons and Daughters occupying Iraq, Bush plays while Americas Sons and Daughters die. Cant you see the concern for his fellow Americans dying and being beheaded. Wake up America this is what your Sons and Daughters are dying for.

wonkette June 21, 2006 at 10:49 AM
READ MORE: George W. Bush

A few months back, we introduced you to Pierce Mallon Bush, nephew of the President, son of mild fuckup Neil, brother to the hot Bush, Lauren. We learned to love that little scamp, knahahmsayin'?

Pierce, 20, is a student at the University of Texas in Austin. And, oh yes, he's on Facebook. After the jump, what may well be the political scion Facebook mother lode. Bud light, bitches, and scantily clad bums -- don't say we never did anything for you.



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