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Saturday, September 23, 2006

GOP Detainee Bill: Revisions Create Loopholes For Rape, Sexual Assault

Georgie, maybe this childs rape was not defined as Napoli said "A real-life description to me would be a rape victim, brutally raped, savaged. The girl was a virgin. She was religious. She planned on saving her virginity until she was married. She was brutalized and raped, sodomized as bad as you can possibly make it, and is impregnated. I mean, that girl could be so messed up, physically and psychologically, that carrying that child could very well threaten her life." They dont even have to be terror suspects, Abeer was not pregnant, she and most of her family are dead, we cant ask them, Has she been forgotten Do we allow these Bastards to squarm out of their hanus crimes with a loophole in legislature.

The New York Times September 23, 2006 at 09:25 AM
READ MORE: George W. Bush

In recent decades, women's advocates and human rights activists have made huge progress on the issues of rape and sexual assault -- in the United States and globally. Both crimes are now more powerfully defined in state and federal laws. In international law, where rape and sexual assault have long been classified as torture and war crimes, the world has begun to accept the importance of enforcement. In 1998, a tribunal convicted a paramilitary chief for watching one of his men rape a woman in Serbia. A year ago, the world rose up in outrage when United Nations peacekeepers raped women in Congo.

You'd think this was a settled issue. But it's been opened up again in the bill on jailing, interrogating and trying terror suspects that President Bush is trying to ram through Congress in a pre-election rush. Both the White House and Senate versions contain provisions on rape and sexual assault that turn back the clock alarmingly. They are among the many flaws that must be fixed before Congress can responsibly pass this legislation.



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