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Monday, October 16, 2006

Butchers of Bushland: Is the price worth it?

Luciana Bohne, Online Journal Associate Editor

...Bush's unprovoked attack on Iraq was a premeditated and documentable conspiracy to subvert the peace -- a crime for which the Nazi elites were hanged. The war crimes Nuremberg Tribunal, Protocol, and Principles would have no qualms calling the invasion of Iraq "the supreme crime," a crime from which all other war crimes have derived, including genocide. The war against Iraq was, as far as international law is concerned, the mother of all crimes. It violated the Constitution two, three times over, starting with violating the UN Charter, which is the "supreme law of [our] land," according to the Constitution, and encompasses the principles of the Nuremberg Judgment. The occupation violated the Geneva Conventions against mistreatment of prisoners. It violated the Geneva and Hague Conventions on the occupier's obligations 1) by failing to provide Iraqis with security and basic services, while at the same time disbanding the Iraqi army, 2) by failing to safeguard the sites of their national patrimony (National Library, museums, etc), 3) by attempting to sell off Iraqi assets, banks, services to foreign bidders 4) by altering Iraq's tax laws without representation (Bremer's "Orders"). Now comes evidence of national dying on a genocidal scale from the Lancet study...

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9 Paradoxes of a Lost War

Tom Engelhardt & Michael Klare

Here's how the President described the enemy in Iraq at his press conference last week. "The violence is being caused by a combination of terrorists, elements of former regime criminals, and sectarian militias." "Elements of former regime criminals," aka "bitter-enders," aka "Saddamists." The "sectarian militias" may have been a relatively recent add-on, but this is essentially the same list, the same sort of terminology the President has been using for years. In the last two weeks, however, rumblings of discontent, the urge for a change of course (or at least a mid-course correction) in Iraq have been persistently bubbling to the surface of already roiling Washington...

continua / continued


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