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Sunday, October 22, 2006

CBS: Corrupt arms deals cost Iraq $800M

NEW YORK - Iraq's former finance minister alleged in a U.S. television report aired Sunday that up to $800 million meant to equip the Iraqi army had been stolen from the government by former officials through fraudulent arms deals.

The former minister Ali Allawi told CBS' "60 Minutes" that the arms fraud is "one of the biggest thefts in history" and that corrupt former Iraqi officials are now "running around the world hiding and scurrying around."

He did not name the officials who allegedly stole the money. But Iraqi investigators are probing several weapons and equipment deals engineered by former procurement officer Ziad Cattan and other defense officials.

Tapes obtained by "60 Minutes" from a former associate of Cattan allegedly captured Cattan talking about paying large bribes to Iraqi officials.

Cattan, wanted by Iraqi authorities and now living in Paris, was interviewed in the same "60 Minutes" broadcast and said he can account for some $1.2 billion he used to purchase weapons.



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