"Not America's man," indeed
Swopa, Needlenose
..."I am now prime minister and overall commander of the armed forces, yet I cannot move a single company without coalition approval because of the U.N. mandate," Mr. Maliki told Reuters on Thursday. "If anyone is responsible for the poor security situation in Iraq, it is the coalition." I'm sure the negotiation process for a new UN mandate would get very exciting if Maliki were to suggest casually that the Iranian government would do a more efficient job of training and equipping the Iraqi army than the Americans have done. I'll have to keep an eye on what develops as December 31st approaches...
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..."I am now prime minister and overall commander of the armed forces, yet I cannot move a single company without coalition approval because of the U.N. mandate," Mr. Maliki told Reuters on Thursday. "If anyone is responsible for the poor security situation in Iraq, it is the coalition." I'm sure the negotiation process for a new UN mandate would get very exciting if Maliki were to suggest casually that the Iranian government would do a more efficient job of training and equipping the Iraqi army than the Americans have done. I'll have to keep an eye on what develops as December 31st approaches...
continua / continued
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