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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

U.S. Soldier Murdered By Iraqi Police -- And Then the Cover-up

U.S. Soldier Murdered By Iraqi Police -- And Then the Cover-up

An article in today's Washington Post reveals that an American soldier was ambushed and killed this month in Baghdad by our alleged allies in the local police. What it doesn't say is that the official reports on his death by the U.S. military were complete distortions.

By Greg Mitchell

(October 31, 2006) -- USA Today revealed in a front page story on Monday that a study of several hundred American deaths in Iraq turned up at least seven cases where families were given the wrong information about how their loved ones died (most of them, it turned out, were killed by friendly fire). Now, on Tuesday, The Washington Post reveals that a U.S. soldier was ambushed and murdered by our friends in the Iraqi police.

My additional digging now shows that the military willfuly covered up this significant detail in releasing the news of his death to his family and to the press.



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