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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

All patriotic veterans should tear up their membership cards in the pro-GOP American Legion and VFW.

November 6, 2006 -- The flatulent, cigarette-hazed alcoholics who make up the leadership of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars have decided to endorse chickenhawk George Allen over Vietnam hero Jim Webb in Virginia and another GOP chickenhawk against wounded Iraq War veteran Tammy Duckworth in Illinois.
It is time for all patriotic veterans to do what I am doing tonight -- I am tearing up my American Legion card. I no longer wish to be associated with an organization that dishonors the very veterans it claims to represent. Let the American Legion and VFW continue to be associated with the draft dodgers, crooks, pedophiles, closeted self-hating gays, and lunatic religious zealots of the Republican Party. And may a Democratic Congress consider something that should have been done a long time ago -- yank the Congressional charters and the tax-free status of these two right-wing and subversive organizations that continue to defecate on the men and women who are veterans and who are running as proud members of the Democratic Party. All patriotic veterans should tear up their membership cards in the pro-GOP American Legion and VFW.

Wayne Madsen Report


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