Condi Breaks Non Partisan Pledge To Stump For GOP...
Eat The Press Rachel Sklar November 6, 2006 10:11 PM
Via Penguins on the Equator we bring you this bit from the Washington Post: Turns out Condi Rice is stumping for the GOP this election, and while watchers of Meet The Press might not think that unusual, it is, in fact, highly atypical for a sitting Secretary of State to go on the campaign trail, per WaPo:
Secretary of state is traditionally a nonpartisan position, and Rice's media itinerary differs sharply from the practice of her predecessors during election campaigns, according to State Department records.
Via Penguins on the Equator we bring you this bit from the Washington Post: Turns out Condi Rice is stumping for the GOP this election, and while watchers of Meet The Press might not think that unusual, it is, in fact, highly atypical for a sitting Secretary of State to go on the campaign trail, per WaPo:
Secretary of state is traditionally a nonpartisan position, and Rice's media itinerary differs sharply from the practice of her predecessors during election campaigns, according to State Department records.
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