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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Fool Me Thrice, an apology - Confessions of a Twice Bush Voter

Richard Hindshttp://www.virtualcitizens.com/

There’s an old saying in Tennessee, I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says, ‘Fool me once, shame on … shame on you. … Fool me, cain’t get fooled again.’

You've got to understand the nature of the regime we're dealing with. This is a man who has delayed, denied, deceived the world. For the sake of liberty and justice for all, the United Nations Security Council must act, must act in way to hold this regime to account, must not be fooled, must be relevant to keep the peace.”

G. W. Bush, 17 September 2002

write near the conclusion of one United States' bloodiest months in Iraq since 2003, with at least 101 Armed Service men and women killed in the utterly destroyed, once sovereign nation of Iraq.

(Editor’s note: Only the most myopic and bigoted Americans would consider the bloodiest month in Iraq to be measured solely by reported numbers of American war criminals killed. In this instance, I consider the omission of slaughtered Iraqis intrinsic to the message of the author who is trying to explain to other Americans – especially the jingoists – that Mr. Hinds now sees the vile nature of the Bush regime).

Bluntly, this is an open letter of apology to the citizens of the Rio Grande Valley, of Texas, of this nation, and all inhabitants of this world with whom I share.

For the record, if my actions, in any way, have assisted or brought forth the tragedy that has befallen this nation, and by default, the rest of the world, I am very sorry, completely, utterly sorry. What did I do that has burdened me so? I voted for George W. Bush. Twice. And I am beside myself.

I do not take to self-flagellation often, yet I feel I have no choice. What else can I do but apologize? When something is as totally and completely off the mark as this administration has been, all I can do is admit that I was wrong for ever supporting Bush, and try to atone.

I supported the war initially. However, if I had any inkling it would be handled so poorly, I would have not. Like many Americans, I was duped. My patriotism was used for the good of a few, to the detriment of the many. The Emperor-in-Chief has no clothes. When I accepted the banner of Republican party, I believed it stood for what I believed in--family values; a strong, versatile military; smaller government; fiscal responsibility. I was wrong. Now, I am awake--39 years late, but nevertheless, awake I am. And this, my penance, though weak and feeble, is all I can do.

G. W. Bush has been a catastrophe for this nation. His record is replete with malfeasance big and small. From Katrina, insulting "no-bid" contracts to Halliburton, No-Child-Left-Behind, domestic spying, warrantless wiretaps, rendition, torture, and goodbye to Habeas Corpus through the Military Commissions Act of 2006, to massive cuts in State and Federal mental heath care, cuts for veterans and tax cuts for importers of Chinese ceiling fans and the Petroleum giants, it has been once continuous nightmare of cronyism and fiscal irresponsibility. But what troubles me most is his thoughtless, wild-hair adventurism, and its toll on our society.

His misguided "War on Terror" has decimated our military. They're over-stretched, overwrought, worn-out and essentially rendered impotent, unable to deploy to meet a real emergency – though their bombs kill with collateral ease. His administration--not our military, but the civilian leadership--Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, et al., at best, has been inept, incompetent and arrogant throughout the entire Iraqi affair.

(Editor’s note: Their incompetence has brought record profits to their friends at Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin, KBR, Fluor, Exxon-Mobil, and others. In the biz we call that “mission accomplished.” How did Brownie put it, “can I go home now?”)

Since 2001, Bush and his goons have destroyed America’s reputation in the world, alienating those who would have supported us. On September 11, 2001, people the world over, even places that "hate" us, were saying, "We are all Americans today." We hear that no more. We can't set the world on fire and garner sympathy or save ourselves from the enemy.

Shortly after the fall of the USSR, we were the lone nuclear/military super-power, what pro-war Chicken Hawk Niall Ferguson calls the world's first "Hyper-Power." Today, the Bush regime can convince no nation, much less North Korea or Iran, to follow our neo-con/neo-liberal leadership.

More troubling it that I must decry Bush as a traitor. What else can we conclude? He used the cover of a war on terror to fight for big oil profits through the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq. Team Cheney is all about wealth, about Empire – have you read the PNAC report? Understand clearly, the U.S. military has permanent bases in Iraq, or rather, permanent access to the bases built and paid for by American taxpayer money. The troops are never leaving – until they invade Iran. Bush admits that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and no connection to al Qaeda. Only the most brazen Emperor could take such steps, and we let him.

Not only is the world NOT safer post invasion and occupation of Iraq, but Bush is creating more terrorists whom our children might fight. That is terrifying. Further, the federal treasury borrows $2 billion per day. Why? Subsidies for the rich and profit-making corporations topped off with record tax cuts for these businesses and that less than 1% of the richest Americans, of course. The other piece of the red ink pie is the war of course, which just happens to be an economic boon to the well-connected at Blackwater, Halliburton, and others who provide security. This NOT what I voted for [sic].

I know that many self-named Republicans follow the Rovian party line, like I did, and will do so regardless. But if you are not appalled by this administration, you have not been paying attention. It has become increasingly clear to me that Republican elites (like the Democrats when their in power) work solely for big corporations, big oil, big Pharma, and the super rich. Bush fancies himself an oil man, and oil profits were the highest ever. Do you think that a coincidence?

This country is not a democracy. It is an oligarchy, ruled by the super-wealthy, to the benefit the super wealthy. It is stunning to realize how many Congressmen are millionaires. Millionaires do not represent me. They point at me, with my modest home and my two- year old shoes and laugh. I will not sell my soul. My party abandoned me. They are a cabal of hate-baiting "neo-cons."

Do you know what a Neo-Conservative is? It is unlikely that they want what you espouse. Bush has done more damage to this country than anyone in the last 200 years. He is vacuous, inarticulate beyond understanding, a military deserter and little more than a robot. He has spouted the same mantras for five years though conditions change every-single-day. I wish I could find a bumper sticker that said "Blame me---I voted for him---Twice." For now, I will have to make do with Warmonger.

Bush has been an embarrassment and a disappointment to me. I believed in him once, and wanted him to do well, but now it is difficult to contain my disdain. These are scary times. And I don't know what to suggest, other than to say, whatever you do, just don't vote Republican.

If you have any inclination that you might vote Republican, please, stay home. This party, for whatever good it once stood for, has been hijacked. And while I am disgusted with many Democrats too, the Republican rule must end.

Wake me when it is 2008. We'll try this all again.

Richard Hinds, a life long resident of Mercedes, Texas, served in the U.S. Army and holds a master’s degree in psychology. That he could be fooled so easily should tell you something about the state of higher education in the United States.

Richard Hinds

Kangaroo Says,

People have asked me why the site you are not American, I Have never understood how a Nation, the Leading Nation of the Free World, could be taken in so totally, by an Inept, Corrupt, Illiterate, Psychotic, Little Man, a man without morals, and that he could ever be allowed to steal one election for President, let alone two in six years, and that a Nation would just sit back and allows it to happen. Unfriking believable.

This is my diary of the last six years living under the rule and foreign policy, of a rogue nation, a nation my countries Prime Minister committed our citizens to become complicit in the same crimes and occupation, against the innocent people of Iraq and Afganistan. I want my children and grand children to understand the crimes our Countries have commited on people who where not able to defend themselves against the mightiest army the world has ever know, that army with its WMDs, that where given into the hands of an Evil Administration.


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