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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Hutton Inquiry And The Murder Of Dr. David Kelly, GlobalResearch.ca

Ken Welch

I recently located the BBC video from the Hutton Inquiry, the official judicial investigation into the events surrounding the July, 2003, death of Dr. David Kelly, a respected government biological scientist in the U.K., and a leading arms inspector in Iraq prior to the current invasion and occupation. Dr. Kelly was found dead near his home; supposedly a suicide after becoming embroiled in the early debate regarding blatant lying by the Blair government about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A cursory investigation by the local coroner, apparently with a wink and a nod to London, concluded that Dr. Kelly had killed himself, although the manner in which this happened was not particularly clear. The emerging details pointed so strongly toward a badly botched murder, including or at least followed by official complicity, that a major outcry quickly followed...

continua / continued


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