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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Q&A: Fugitive Iraqi Leader Al Dhari

Michael Hastings, Newsweek

...Who's responsible for the [Iraqi] death squads? Militias are the ones that are doing the killing and all these death squads are from the militias. These death squads and the militias are part of the political parties that are part of the government. But can Maliki stop them? Is he behind it and does he accept it? Or is he unable to stop it? It has to be one or the other. I don't think he is unable to stop it. And if he's unable to stop it, he should step down from his position. If he really cares about Iraq and the Iraqi people because he is the person responsible for Iraq, and if he unable to stop the death squad and crimes against the Iraqi people he should resign. This is what logic says. If it goes on and he's unable to stop it, that means he approves of it. His government is responsible and is accountable for everything that's happening in Iraq; [if it's not] he should leave the opportunity for someone else...

continua / continued


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