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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Gallup: Americans Back Congressional Resolution Against Iraq 'Surge' -- And Withdrawal Within a Year

A new Gallup poll taken this past weekend shows that support of President Bush's troop escalation did not gain any ground, despite an all-out White House publicity push (it remains stuck at 38% approval). The survey also revealed majority support for a congressonal resolution opposing the "surge" -- a U.S. pullout within a year.

Support for such a resolution is strong, with 61% backing that. Asked if congress should try to block the deployments, such as by denying funding, a still significant 47% back that action, with 50% opposing it.

A total of 56% want a quick pullout -- with 19% advocating "immediately" and another 37% in a year's time. Only 13% say "send more troops."

"Americans remain unconvinced that it is necessary to send new troops to Iraq to gain victory, as Bush argued, and a majority favors withdrawal of troops within one year," Gallup reports. "Most Americans continue to say the costs of the war outweigh the benefits of succeeding in Iraq, and a majority of Americans also continue to say it was a mistake to send troops to Iraq initially."

The poll was taken Jan. 12-14.



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