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Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Good Morning, Baghdad! Two Hangings, One Decapitation Before Breakfast

Winter Patriot

Public barbarity reached yet another new low this morning -- even for occupied Iraq -- when two of Saddam Hussein's former aides were hanged before dawn in Baghdad, one of them losing his head in the process. Like John Kerry's dumb joke, the American media have already decided for us -- the hanging was "botched (...) but if you keep reading you can see that the "Arab street" doesn't buy the official version at all. from Morocco to Yemen, ordinary Arabs cast doubt on the official explanation. Some recalled the chaotic and abusive treatment of Saddam Hussein when he was hanged on December 30. Zaid al-Boudani, a shopkeeper in the Yemeni capital Sanaa, said: "I am very sad today, as many other Muslim Arabs are. This execution is part of the revenge campaign going on in Iraq. The way his head was ripped off shows hatred and revenge." Issam Ghazzawi, a Jordanian lawyer who saw Barzan on Friday, said he was convinced the decapitation was deliberate. "His head was cut off after he was hanged to mutilate his body in [...] a barbaric act of revenge that is against any human values and is vigilante justice by a group of thugs," he said. Qassim Abdul-Zahra of the Associated Press, reporting from Baghdad via the Toronto Star, says reaction inside the occupied country is equally skeptical...

continua / continued


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