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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Stop the Escalation

Despite overwhelming opposition from military leaders, elected officials, and the American public, President Bush still intends to escalate the war in Iraq by sending more American troops.
Last week, we asked you to help Stop the Escalation by contacting your representatives in Congress and asking them to take a firm stance against this disastrous strategy. More than a thousand of you made phone calls and reported back on your member's position. We assembled the results into a tally of all members of Congress.

Review the escalation tally and see what your representatives had to say.

If your members of Congress have not gone on record, please call them again today. Dial (800) 614-2803 to reach the Congressional switchboard and report back on what you learn by emailing StopTheEscalation@americanprogressaction.org.

Congress has the power to stop the escalation. It's up to us to remind them of this and spur them into action. As of this email, only 415 out of 535 voting members have gone on the record.
Check out the tally and see where your member stands.

To help more members take a courageous position we need you to keep calling your representatives to ensure that they hear your passionate opposition to the escalation. Call (800) 614-2803 to reach the Congressional switchboard and report what you learn to



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