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Friday, February 09, 2007

Bush Can't Spin Way out of Hellish Conditions in Iraq

Sherwood Ross, The Smirking Chimp

President Bush blaming the press for exaggerating conditions in Iraq is like the Devil accusing Dante of defamation for writing "The Inferno." The Bushidos all along have blamed the press for "exaggerating" the hell the U.S. has made of Iraq. Recall ex-Defense Secretary Rumsfeld's words, "The steady stream of (media) errors all seem to be of a nature to inflame the situation and to give heart to the terrorists and to discourage those who hope for success in Iraq." (...) While Iraqis suffer and die, while the morgues overflow with tortured bodies, with hospitals unable to care for the wounded and the dismembered, with perhaps as many as 650,000 killed, with 50% unemployment and the employed unable to get to work, with electricity sputtering and families forced to abandon their homes and homeland, with, indeed, what Dr. Eskander has called "total chaos," with all this terrible unfolding human tragedy triggered by the lies of George Bush, the U.S. Congress is incapable of even passing a non-binding, panty-waist resolution to cut off funding for this massacre, much less assuming the honorable and urgent task of impeaching, trying, and convicting the worst president ever to occupy the White House...

continua / continued


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