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Sunday, February 04, 2007

White House says Iraq bombing an "atrocity" (135 dead so far)

Well Georgie I think the 655000 Iraqis that you have killed are an atrocity, Your illegal war and occupation, " Targeted the innocent people of Iraq" don't you think?
I agree Free Nations, must not stand by, while terrorists committ mass murder, When will you, and your administration, stand in the dock of the hague and be charged for War Crimes, I am wondering?

2 hours, 39 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House called the suicide bombing in Baghdad that killed 135 people an "atrocity" on Saturday and pledged to help the Iraqi government bring security to the capital.

"The United States stands with the people of Iraq. We will support the freely elected Iraqi government and its security forces, to help bring those responsible for today's atrocity to justice, and to deliver greater security to the people of Baghdad," White House press secretary Tony Snow said in a statement.

The blast, caused by explosive-laden truck, was the deadliest single bombing in Iraq since the 2003 war and took place in a mainly Shi'ite area of Baghdad.

The White House said the attack "targeted the innocent people of Iraq."

"Free nations of the world must not stand by while terrorists commit mass murder in an attempt to derail democratic progress in Iraq and throughout the greater Middle East," the statement said.........



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