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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

AFP: OECD pressures Britain over BAE corruption probe (Saudi bribery)


"Just because virtually all the plane hijackers on 9/11 were Saudis, and now the Saudis are corrupting England, is no reason to be mean to such sweet guys. I mean, war profiteering for republicon cronies would not be nearly as lucrative without my bosom Saudi pals, the bin Laden clan."-

Commander AWOL

Wed Mar 14, 10:09 AM ET

PARIS (AFP) - OECD anti-bribery experts raised pressure on the government
on Wednesday over its decision to scrap a corruption probe into dealings
by defence group BAE Systems with the Saudi Arabian royal family.

The government is to face an inquiry by experts from the Organisation for
Economic Co-operation and Development who have "serious concerns" that
the British government failed to respect an international anti-bribery treaty
it signed in 1997, the OECD said.

Highlighting shortcomings in British legislation and a consistent failure to
prosecute suspects, the OECD said its anti-bribery experts would conduct
"a supplementary review" of British measures to fight corruption.

"The ... review will also examine whether systemic problems explain the
lack of foreign bribery cases brought to prosecution as well as other
matters raised in the context of the discontinuance of the BAE Al
Yamamah investigation."



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