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Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Enough is Enough !

Layla Anwar, An Arab Woman Blues

Everytime I read an article written by some american or english "analyst" on Iraq, whoever he/she is, I simply cringe inside(...) So you guys are telling us Iraqis that 1)we do not know what regime we had prior to your occupation 2) that we don't know who is torturing, raping and drilling holes in our bodies 3) that those Iraqis who do "complain" about such practices are not "capable" of true knowledge 4) that you know all about Iraqi sectarianism and that Iraqis who have lived all their lives with each other and intermarried don't. What arrogance and what racism! (...) Or do you know better than Omar's mother and father about the identity of his kidnappers and still no news from him. Or you know better than R. who was sacked from his job by his Dawah employer because R is a sunni and his employer is originally an Iranian? Or maybe you know better than the thousands who are rushing to the Iraqi borders running away from the fascist militias? Or surely you know better than A,S,and D who were kidnapped and raped and tortured by the Al Mahdi Squads because they were "sunni whores"? Or maybe you know better than Auntie S. who married a shia 40 years ago even before Saddam Hussein came to power! That is it...Keep doing that righteous liberal lefties. So all eyes can be turned to Iran and the Iraqi genocide goes silently into the background. What all these "experts" above have in common is one major trait that unifies them. And that trait is part of the package delivered to us by America and Great Britain. These two started the first lie about Iraq and these "respectable" so called progressives have continued very faithfully in the same footsteps. Fabricating, exaggerating, deforming, projecting, demonizing, making up, misinforming,twisting, disinforming...about the Iraqi reality. Enough of your collective lies and Bullshit! We are the ones who have not ceased to pay the price. Starting with the blatant lies of your governments and ending with yours. Have some shame and if you can't have that, have a least a modicum of intellectual integrity. But then, even that, seems too much to ask. Now I remember, of course, we are arab Iraqis. How could I have forgotten that!..

continua / continued


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