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Monday, March 12, 2007

Senator calls on Treasury to investigate if Halliburton move to Dubai linked to Iran deals

Mike SheehanPublished: Monday March 12, 2007

A key U.S. senator is calling on the Treasury Department to ensure that a controversial Houston-based multinational corporation, Halliburton, is not benefiting financially from the move of its headquarters to the Middle East, according to a release advanced to RAW STORY.
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) says in the release, "Halliburton has gone to extraordinary lengths in the past to do business with the terrorist government in Iran," citing recent Treasure investigations of the multinational's business dealings with Tehran. "The company's odd announcement this week certainly sets off alarm bells about its intention to do business with state sponsors of terrorism. When it comes to Halliburton we can't trust, and we need to verify."
The company announced its plan to relocate its headquarters to the United Arab Emirates on Sunday.

Halliburton chief David J. Lesar praised the move, as it would "help the company focus on the Middle East," calling it "the seat of our operations."

The 52-year-old Lesar, who took over the reins of Halliburton after former CEO Dick Cheney became U.S. vice president, said the move to Dubai, UAE was "the next step in a strategic plan announced in 2006 to focus on expanding Halliburton customer relations with national oil companies." >>>cont



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