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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Excerpts From E-Mails on U.S. Attorneys

Wednesday March 14, 2007 3:16 AM

By The Associated Press

Breaking News:::

Excerpts from e-mails regarding the firings of eight federal prosecutors, signed off upon by the White House legislative, political and communications offices:

``Tim said he got a call from Bud offering this idea: that Tim come on board as a special AUSA (assistant U.S. attorney) while Bud finalizes his private sector plan. That would alleviate pressure/implication that Tim forced Bud out. Any thoughts on that? Tim seemed relatively excited about that option this morning on the phone.''

-Aug. 24, 2006, e-mail from J. Scott Jennings, White House deputy political director to Kyle Sampson, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' chief of staff. The two were discussing the ouster of U.S. Attorney Bud Cummins' ouster in Little Rock, Ark., and his replacement, Tim Griffin. Jennings wrote from an e-mail address of ``gwb43.com,'' which online tracking records show is registered to the Republican National Committee.

``We're a go for the U.S. atty plan. WH leg, political and communications have signed off and acknowledged that we have to be committed to following through once the pressure comes.''

- Dec. 4, 2006 e-mail from Deputy White House Counsel William K. Kelley to Kyle Sampson, Gonzales' chief of staff and copied to White House Counsel Harriet Miers.

``Administration has determined to ask some underperforming USAs to move on....Wanted you to know in case you get some calls from the field and so you can help manage the chatter that may result.''

- Dec. 5, 2006 e-mail from Sampson to Associate Attorney General William Mercer.

``We will commence calling the USAs in the next hour or so.''

- Dec. 7, 2006, 10:36 a.m. e-mail from Sampson to Kelley.

``'The administration is grateful for your service as U.S. attorney, but has determined to give someone else the opportunity to serve as U.S. attorney in your district for the final two years of the administration.'''

- Script for Michael Battle, who oversees all 93 U.S. attorneys, to use when firing seven prosecutors on Dec. 7, 2006.

``Prepare to withstand political upheaval.''

- Attachment to Sampson's e-mails to Miers, Mercer, Kelley and others.

``Heads up about disgruntlement in Nevada.''

- Dec. 8, 2006 e-mail from Kelley to Sampson and Miers about a call from the top aide to Sen. John Ensign, saying that the senator is ``very unhappy'' about DOJ's dismissal of U.S. attorney Daniel Bogden.

``All of this should be done in 'good faith,' of course.''

- A Dec. 19, 2006 e-mail from Sampson, discussing ways to ``run out the clock'' on the objections about a new law that allows the attorney general to name U.S. attorneys without Senate confirmation.

``Kyle: Hope you're doing well in this new year. I (am) wondering if you could ask the judge (Gonzales) if I can list him as an (sic) reference? As you know, I'll be resigning in the next month or so and am looking for a job. Please let me know if he consents.''

- Jan. 10 e-mail from David Iglesias, a month after he and six other prosecutors were fired.

``David, I am well thank you. You can list the AG as a reference -- not a problem. Good luck!''

- Sampson's reply the same day.

Source: House Judiciary Committee: http://judiciary.house.gov/



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