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Monday, March 12, 2007

Israeli Reale Estate Market on Blood Soaked Palestine Land High-End Redefined

More Land Grab More Settlers to Boost the Israeli's Badly Battered Economy

Foreigners - Americans Jews and Jews settled in other countries are not interested in restoring and returning the possessions to the right owners - the Palestinians. The second settler generation now invading Palestine lands have the same obsession - to make profit on other peoples possessions - as had their predecessors - the Zionists that invaded and settled in Palestine 60 years ago. The new generation of Israeli settlers - citizens of other countries - ( many with dual passports) - are in search to re - settle for a second home on Arab land. - And they demand it all - and the very exclusive : Preferably settle in old landmarked Palestinian Patrician villas - or else in the old Arab quarters of old East Jerusalem - or in an old Arab village by the sea, or rule over fertile Palestinian Arab farmland...

continua / continued


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