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Monday, March 12, 2007

Libya says US to help build nuclear power plant

Published: Monday March 12, 2007

The United States is to help Libya to build a first nuclear power plant under an agreement to be signed soon, the official JANA news agency reported Monday.

The Libyan parliament, the General People's Committee (GPC), gave its approval Sunday for the foreign ministry to sign the deal, JANA said.

"The agreement aims at establishing a nuclear station in Libya to produce electricity, desalting water, and developing the radiochemistry performance at energy research centres," it said in an English-language dispatch.

Libya was long accused by Western governments of seeking to acquire weapons of mass destruction.

But in late 2003 Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi renounced all attempts to develop a non-conventional arsenal, clearing the way for the restoration of diplomatic relations with the Unites States in May last year.



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