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Monday, April 09, 2007

And thus She spoke...

Layla Anwar - An Arab Woman Blues, traduzione di Adelina Bottero

...If I could survive a thousand invasions from the times of Babylon through the Mongols right down to the pale skinned ones and their dark servants, surely I can survive you too If my womb gave birth to hundreds of prophets, surely it can give birth to you too. Do not mistake my crying out to you as helplessness...Take it as my hand finally saving you. Remember me. Remember my history and remember who I am, and don't you ever forget my name. I am Iraq. I have died a thousand times and have resurrected. And have died once more...and will resurrect again. But this time around it will be your final end and my eternal beginning." And thus She spoke, on the third day, on the Cross. Happy Easter and Happy Resurrection...

continua / continued


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