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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bush Notes Dowd's 'Emotional' Critique of War -- With His Son About to Join Fight

Dowd with the help of the Supreme Court, helped put the friking phycho into the White House, now his son is faced with paying the price, of that decision.
Source: Editor & Publisher

At his press conference today, President Bush joined two of his chief spokesmen in suggesting that one's views of the Iraq war can be strongly influenced or even changed if you happen to have a child who is joining the battle there.

Matthew Dowd, who directed the president's re-election bid in 2004, had told The New York Times for an article on Sunday that his son was about to be deployed to Iraq -- and partly for that reason he now opposed U.S. policy there and backs a withdrawal.

Bush said today, "Matthew's case, as I understand it, is obviously intensified because his son is deployable. In other words, he's got a son in the U.S. armed forces and -- I mean, I can understand Matthew's concerns."

Critics of the war in Iraq have long charged that supporters of the war might feel differently about if they had a a son or daughter fighting in, or possibly headed for, that conflict. Surveys have shown that very few war supporters in Congress, the White House or serving as officials or campaign directors have children in the military and even fewer in the war.



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