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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Despite a string of disasters in the Middle East, George W. Bush doesn't want any interference -- or assistance -- from anyone. First, he rebuffed the bipartisan Iraq Study Group's recommendation of a gradual military withdrawal from Iraq; now is berating Democratic congressional leaders, such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for their diplomatic efforts. In this guest essay, Ivan Eland notes that the Founders always favored a more assertive Congress. April 3, 2007

George W. Bush is accusing Iran of "inexcusable behavior" in seizing 15 British sailors on accusations they crossed into Iranian waters. British Prime Minister Tony Blair is equally incensed that Iran would fail to comply with world standards for handling such disputes. Amid the furor, the major Western news media has pretty much fallen into line behind Bush and Blair as the champions of international law. But left out of this selective outrage is the fact that it was the Bush-Blair trampling on the rules of civilized behavior that set the stage for the current crisis. April 2, 2007


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