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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Chavez Aims to Meet Left's Energy Needs

Better be watching your back Hugo,
Your just a little bit smarter than the loser and his goons, in the White House

Source: Associated Press
President Hugo Chavez said Saturday that Venezuela is ready to become the sole energy supplier to Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Haiti, presenting the countries with his most generous offer yet of oil-funded diplomacy in the region.
Chavez said he hoped to sign a deal with the four countries, his main leftist allies in the region, during the summit of The Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas he is hosting this weekend in Caracas.
The bloc, known as ALBA, was formed in 2004 by Chavez and his Cuban mentor Fidel Castro to promote trade and cooperation along socialist lines and to oppose a U.S.-backed free trade area. It has since grown to include Bolivia and Nicaragua. Ecuador has also expressed interest and Haiti was attending the two-day summit that started Saturday as an observer.
``The time has come for this oil, this energy, these resources to in some way serve the development and happiness of our people and the union of our territories,'' said Chavez, whose nation is a major oil exporter with vast reserves.


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