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Monday, April 02, 2007

A Filter for Life to Save Children in Gaza

Silvia Cattori, Al-Jazeerah, April 2, 2007

A source of life, water has become a major health problem in Gaza. After the fear, the hunger, now it’s thirst. Israel diverts 80% of the water resources in the West Bank and Gaza. After fifty years of appropriating the most fertile and water rich land in Palestine, Israel is diverting Jordan’s water, which has given rise to reactions on the part of the UN. Since the 60s and the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel has profited by controlling the water resources of its neighbours. Sixty-five percent of water consumed by Israel comes from deep layers in the West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, and the Golan Heights, annexed by force in 1981...

continua / continued

# 4 Palestinians killed by IOF and settlers in the OPT; including a sheep herder in Bethlehem and 3 Palestinian resistance activists killed in Nablus and Jenin. # 10 Palestinian civilians, including 5 children were wounded by IOF, including 4 wounded in Bal’ein village, west of Ramallah, and 3 children wounded by IOF bombardment in the northern Gaza Strip. # IOF conducted 21 incursions into Palestinian communities in the OPT; 37 Palestinians, including 5 children, arrested in the West Bank. # IOF continue the construction of the Annexation Wall; 80 dunums of land confiscated for the Wall in Azzoun and Jayyous near Qalqilya, and tens of dunums razed in Wadi Rahal village near Bethlehem..


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