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Monday, April 02, 2007

MELTDOWN (BABY harpseals are dying in the thousands global warming)

Sunday April 1,2007
By Stuart Winter

BABY seals are dying in the thousands as global warming turns the ice fields where they are born into a watery wasteland.

Thousands of baby seal are perishing as high temperatures break the ice into millions of tiny pieces, hurling the youngsters into the treacherous seas.

Unlike the parent animals with their coats of thick, insulating blubber, the cubs cannot swim and have no way of staving off the bone-chilling cold of the late winter seas.

Once they slip into sea they quickly succumb to the cold and exhaustion.

But even if they are lucky - like the pitiful animal in our picture - and manage to scamble back on to the ice with their tiny flippers, an even more chilling fate awaits - a hunter’s club.



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