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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Freedom Fight Against 'Freedom Champions'

Dahr Jamail, Inter Press Service

The al-Jazeera television network could be emerging as a freedom champion against U.S. pressures on the channel, leading media figures say. "I support al-Jazeera because al-Jazeera has done more to propagate democracy in the Middle East region than anybody else, certainly more than the American government has done," media specialist Hugh Miles told IPS. "It's strange to me that people refer to al-Jazeera as a 'terrorist network' because that couldn't be further from the truth." Miles spoke to IPS at the third annual al-Jazeera forum at Doha in Qatar Mar. 31 to Apr. 2. The forum highlighted the successful recent expansion of the network while also addressing difficulties that reporters face in the Middle East hot spots...

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