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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

GI Special 5D10: "Leadership Doesn't Care About Us" [ April 10, 2007 ]

Thomas F. Barton

"Leadership doesn’t care about us," said one officer, who requested that his name be withheld to avoid punishment for his comments."We’ve gone on mission after mission after mission where we’ve gone black (run out) on food and water. They tell us, 'Pack light, your mission will only be four days tops.’ But then we end up stuck on a mountaintop for two weeks. We didn’t have anything, not even tents. If you can’t get us off a mountain, don’t put us on there.""They Don’t Give A Shit About Us. We’ve Been Shorted Everything We Needed" "You Told Us If We Helped You, The Americans Would Not Harm Us. We Are Prisoners In Our Villages Now!" "They Know Who Is Ambushing Us And When It’s Going To Happen, But They Won’t Tell Us. They Have Us By The Balls And They Know It."

continua / continued


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