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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Occupation forces detained a nine years old child

Unfrikingbelievable, this is the Leberation Georgie has bought to Iraq

Roads to Iraq

Reported by the Qudspress that the American occupation forces arrested an Iraqi child age of nine years, after he said that his father in the Islamic Army, one of the factions in the Iraqi resistance. Teachers in a primary school in Al-Karma city - Ramadi said: The American forces toured in a number of schools in Al-Karma distributing gifts and sweets to children, and asking number of questions including: What do you think of the resistance? What do you think of the Americans?, Do you love the resistance? and other questions. The source, who preferred to be anonymous, said that one of the children called Ahmad Fadil Abdullah Jumaili, aged nine years old, said that his father is in the resistance of the Islamic Army, and he is usually absent from home, and don’t bring him gifts. The American forces detained him, and reported to the school’s director to inform the relatives that the father should report to the Americans for the release of the child...

continua / continued


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