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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Post Foley, Page Program More Popular Than Ever

Time Tracy Samantha Schmidt April 4, 2007 12:05 PM

Before last fall, relatively few Americans knew much about the page program. Even fewer knew of Congressman Mark Foley. In September, news broke that Foley, a Florida Republican, had sent sexually explicit e-mails and instant messages to a male former page in 2005. Foley immediately resigned, and House Republican leaders came under fire for not taking any action, despite being warned about Foley's inappropriate actions with male pages as early as 2003.

House Democrats demanded an investigation, and a handful of Congress members called for the page program's immediate suspension.Six months later, the Democrats have taken over Congress and a House Ethics Committee investigation concluded that Republican leaders did not break any rules in handling Foley's actions toward the pages. Not only does the House page program remain intact, it has received a record number of appli



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