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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Renegade Cleric Al-Sadr Urges Attacks On US Troops

Welcome to Georgies real war, not his propaganda war

Associated Press SAAD ABDUL KADIR April 8, 2007 09:50 AM

The renegade cleric Muqtada al-Sadr urged Iraqi forces to stop cooperating with the United States and told his guerrilla fighters to concentrate their attacks on American troops rather than Iraqis, according to a statement issued Sunday.

The statement, stamped with al-Sadr's official seal, was distributed in the Shiite holy city of Najaf on Sunday _ a day before a large demonstration there, called for by al-Sadr, to mark the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad.

this just in from the...
...White House Office of Self-Fulfilling Prophecies (aka Cheney's rectum):
It would seem that, as predicted, Junior's 'surge' is little more than an effort to have the US engineer a military victory for 'our' Shi'ia (al-Maliki's SCIRI) over 'their' Shi'ia (Sadr's Mahdi Army)...Iraq's other civil war--between the two largest Shi'ia factions--just moved from the back- to the front-burner of priorities (Junior's by choice; Iraq's by necessity). Don't be surprised if the violence spins even more out of control, and the realignment of forces producing some very strange bedfellows indeed...film, as they say, at eleven...


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