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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The U.S. National Guard in Iraq: its Dark History and the New Dawn

Didn't all those states, vote the thugs in the White House, back into power?
Les Blough, Axis of Logic Editor

This morning NPR broadcast their interview of Ohio Governor Ted Strickland regarding the news that the Ohio National Guard will be deployed again to Iraq. They are numbered among 13,000 members of the National Guard being called to war from the heartland of the United States. The men and women of the National Guard from Ohio, Arkansas, Indiana and Oklahoma are being ordered by the Bush regime to return to Iraq again for an unprecedented second tour. It is unclear whether or not they are part of the "surge" of up to 48,000 additional troops -double the 21,000 troops first announced by the Bush regime - for the new "surge" against the people of Iraq. Many view the "surge" as a U.S. act of desperation to try to save their crumbling occupation of that country...


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