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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Perle: ‘I Never Believed Saddam Was Responsible For 9/11′

Think Progress
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer interviewed former Iraq war architect Richard Perle to get his response to accusations by George Tenet that he was advocating an attack against Iraq in the days after 9/11. Perle acknowledged meeting Tenet a week after 9/11 at the White House, but claimed he never conversed with Tenet. Perle then said, "I never believed Saddam Hussein was responsible for 9/11." But CNN played a clip from 9/16/01 that showed Perle telling the network: Even if we cannot prove to the standard that we enjoy in our own civil society they are involved, we do know, for example, that Saddam Hussein has ties to Osama bin Laden. That can be documented....


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