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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

And now for the rest of the story

From Where I Stand by Joan Chittister, OSB

President George Bush has managed to stir the waters again on the role of the United States in Iraq by comparing it to Vietnam. Bush is now saying we should not have left Vietnam so early, despite the fact that Vietnamese themselves are arguing that we should have left much earlier than we did. (See: Bush's invocation of Vietnam War pullout to defend his Iraq strategy rankles Vietnamese.)
The broadening of the discussion to Vietnam can only complicate the present debate even more, but it does at least give us a chance to look back into our own recent history for some clues about how to proceed at this time.
But there is more to the story than the headlines. At the same time Bush reopened the Vietnam debate, curiously enough, I got a letter from an Iraqi participant in past activities of the Woman's Global Peace Initiative, asking us to share this letter with as many people as possible. That makes this column longer than most. The length of the agony in Iraq must surely warrant it.
So, read it if you can. Imagine that you got it from someone you know and ask what it is saying to you? Who's right? President Bush? The Vietnamese who are speaking out against his analysis? This young woman who is living in the United States?
Most of all, ask what the letter says that daily news bulletins cannot begin to report: >>>cont



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