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Friday, December 28, 2007

Whited Sepulchre: Huckabee's Hook-Up With Reagan-Bush Crimes

Written by Chris Floyd
Tuesday, 18 December 2007
If you've not been reading Robert Parry over the years, then you have been robbing yourself of one of the age's great sources of information and insight into how the American system really works.
Parry helped uncover the truly sinister Iran-Contra scam, where the Reagan-Bush administration sent missiles and other war material to the Shiite extremists in Iran, in exchange for loot which they then used to provide guns and terrorist training for the Contra militia in Nicaragua. (While this was going on, Reagan and Bush were also arming and funding Osama bin Laden and his Sunni extremists in Afghanistan, and secretly giving Saddam Hussein copious support for his war against Iran – including supplying him with U.S. military intelligence data to help him target chemical weapons attacks on the Iranians.)
For his services to the truth in exposing the depredations of these blood-dripping thugs, Parry was pushed out of the mainstream media, into the margins where the blazing revelations of the Iran-Contra story were also cast, to flicker out from neglect – and a heavy dousing of whitewash. Instead, the media barons hastened to bury reality by squeezing the story into the usual narrative hauled out by our rulers when their crimes come to light: the whole thing was just a "rogue operation," run by a "loose cannon," Col. Oliver North, without the knowledge of any higher-ups. And anyway, it was all done with the best intentions; good old Ollie might have been a tad too enthusiastic in his righteous zeal for the "freedom fighters" in Nicaragua – the "moral equivalent of our Founding Fathers," as Reagan himself called them – and maybe he forgot to cross a few t's and dot a few i's for the nit-picking pinkos in Congress, but his heart was in the right place, gosh darn it, and that's all that counts.
That was the only story that the corporate media was willing to accept, and any truth – or truth-teller – that conflicted with the script was flushed away. Bill Clinton – who would one day come to be regarded by the Bush family as one of their own – dutifully killed the last vestiges of the Iran-Contra investigation when he became president, quashing it before it reached one of the scam's central figures: his predecessor, George Herbert Walker Bush. (Perhaps this deal was brokered by the man who, curiously enough, was the chief campaign donor to both Clinton and Bush during the 1992 race: the mysterious Arkansas magnate, Jackson Stephens. For more on all this, see A Tale of Two Houses: How the Clintons and Bushes Took Us to Hell.)
Some of the figures involved in Iran-Contra went on to powerful positions in the next Bush Administration. (If we can really divide administrations in this way anymore, with the melding of the House of Bush and the House of Clinton over the years.) These include John Poindexter, convicted of lying to Congress about Iran-Contra, who later laid the foundations of Little Bush's gargantuan domestic spying network, and Elliott Abrams, another convicted liar and covert operator who now oversees American policy in the Middle East. >>>cont


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