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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lest you think that everything is going Barack Obama's way and that t
he media is totally in the tank for Barack Obama, we bring you word of an endorsement the Illinois Senator has failed to receive: that of Wasilla, Alaska's hometown newspaper, the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman.
Oh, this is funny! Here's the entirety of what the paper has to say about Sarah Palin:
Since her announcement Aug. 29 as Sen. John McCain's running mate on the Republican ticket, Gov. Sarah Palin has dominated the political headlines. From her personal life to her sudden rise into the national spotlight, America and the media cannot seem to get enough Palin.
While the clamor over Palin has been revealing and entertaining, it's time for voters to focus on the choice we have to lead the United States for the next four years.
We endorse John McCain as that leader.
As many have turned a tabloid eye to McCain's running mate in the weeks leading up to the election, we urge voters to remember that McCain, not Palin, is the Republican candidate for president, and it's because of McCain's proven leadership and integrity we urge Alaska and the Mat-Su to vote McCain.
I don't know! That seems a little like damnation by means of some faint praise! But make no mistake, the Frontiersman is all but clear about what they think of Obama. In the paper's eyes, Obama is a candidate who will "[toe] the Democratic Party line," and thus enable the "ultra-liberal Pelosi-bots in Congress." Honestly? That's some top flight snark. Additionally, they call out Obama for being a "wimp," and praise McCain for having the "military background and the experience to know that whatever anyone thinks about our war on terror in Iraq, that defeat is not an option."
Editor and Publisher has more on the endorsement. LinkHere


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