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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Obama has figured out something everyone outside the country knows: America looks both more powerful and more attractive when it seems confidently at ease, not thin-skinned or cocky.
Gary Hart, 04.28.2009
Author, Wirth Chair professor at the University of Colorado
Crises are too important to waste and the Obama administration is using the many crises it inherited not to go backward but to launch into the new century -- finally.
Amb. Marc Ginsberg, 04.28.2009
Former US Amb. to Morocco
I resolutely accord President Obama and his foreign policy team a well earned grade of "A" in the conduct of America's national security challenges in the first 100 days of his presidency.
Lincoln Mitchell, 04.28.2009
Assistant Professor in the Practice of International Politics, Columbia University
When Obama became president, the country was reeling economically, directionless in foreign policy, losing credibility abroad and suffering a crisis of confidence at home. He has begun to turn all of this around.
Mitchell Bard, 04.28.2009
Writer and Filmmaker
The task awaiting Obama was massive. And yet, there is a rush to decide how he's doing after 100 days. Donnie Walsh gets two years to revive the Knicks, but the president only gets 100 days to
Marc R. Stanley, 04.28.2009
Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council
We are happy to say that the first 15 weeks of Obama's presidency have made us proud and have fulfilled his promise of much needed change for our country. fix the country?


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