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Sunday, September 06, 2009

Israel Defying White House, Approving 500 New West Bank Apartments

So let's review: On one page of this site, there is an article about 1 million homeless American school children, and on this page an article about the complete lack of gratitude for the billions of US tax dollars these people receive each year. The obvious solution is to use those US tax dollars to help the million-plus homeless American children, and let the Israelis fend for themselves for the first time, lest they feel the need to dis-respect us further. RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!

Cut their friking funding and weapons, it's that simple, and see what the Wankers do.

JERUSALEM — Israel defied U.S. pressure to halt construction in its West Bank settlements Sunday, with key leaders speaking out in support of the contentious enclaves and preparing to sign orders to allow building of hundreds of new housing units there.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are expected to approve orders for about 500 new apartments Monday, said Israeli officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the plans have not been finalized.
The Israeli government announced its plans to build the new units Friday while also outlining the idea of a subsequent partial freeze in settlement construction – an apparent attempt by Netanyahu to balance demands from both his conservative base and the Obama administration, which has called on Israel to halt all settlement construction.
But Netanyahu risks angering both sides. The White House immediately criticized the new building as detrimental to achieving Mideast peace, while members of the prime minister's Likud Party opposed limiting settlement construction at all.
"We were elected to fly the flag" of settlement, said Deputy Prime Minister Silvan Shalom at a Likud gathering late Sunday. "We must not fly that flag at half staff."
But other Israeli officials were more supportive.
The head of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish Shas Party, Eli Yishai, spoke supportively of a "strategic pause" in construction. And Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz called Netanyahu's move "well-conceived," adding that no agreement had been reached with Washington on a construction freeze.
If orders for the 500 new apartments are approved, they would be the first building permits issued since Netanyahu took office March 31, a kind of de facto slowdown that existed despite the prime minister's refusal to agree to Washington's demands to fully freeze settlement construction. LinkHere


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