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Friday, October 16, 2009

George H.W. Bush: Olbermann And Maddow Are "Sick Puppies". Excuse Me whose the sick puppies, old man?

A true American patrician opens Pandora's Box by turning loose the Roger Ailes' of the world and now bemoans the result - especially as it involves his beloved son.
You reap what you sow, elder George.

Former President George H.W. Bush feels that the tone of the national discourse lacks civility. "I don't like it," Bush told CBS. "The cables (TV) have a lot to do with it."

Bush said he believes Obama was "entitled to civil treatment" when it comes to his critics. But it was not just those on the right, who presumably make up a majority of Obama's critics, that Bush felt were responsible for the angry tone. The left was guilty as well.

Singling out MSNBC hosts Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbermann, Bush said, "the way they treat my son and anyone who's opposed to their point of view is just horrible." Maddow and Olbermann, he added, are "sick puppies."

Needless to say, Maddow and Olbermann weren't taking Bush's criticism lying down. Watch their response: LinkHere

There is an inherent lack of decency that runs through the entire Bush family. One has to only look at the campaigns they ran and the way they governed. They are detached from humanity and outraged when people infringe on their perceived entitlement.


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